Watch my TEDx Talk “I Smell Human” TEDx Roma. The Third Self. Auditorium Parco della Musica. January 21, 2023.
“A Woman on Paper” Hair Drawing Exhibit and Poetry Reading. Spring Studio. New York, NY. April 21, 2019.
Watch me sniff the armpits of YouTube’s most charming morning show hosts. "Body Odor Smoothie Taste Test.” Good Mythical Morning. YouTube Original Series. November 29, 2017.
Selected Press / Past Events
“Rising Stars: Meet Susan Barbour of Los Angeles.” Voyage LA Magazine. November 2024.
“Lockdown in an Italian Castle.” Artist Talk. Siena Art Institute. May 4, 2020.
SenseHerial Poetry. Documentary. Directed by Hortense Lingjaerde and 刘珉 Liu Min “Cloud.” Los Angeles: University of Southern California, 2017.
Swan, Jennifer. "I Went to An Armpit Sniffing Class.” VICE. July 24, 2017. n.p.